I run and hike.....ALOT! I would not be going the distances I go or doing it as often as I do if I did not practice yoga on a regular basis. restorative yoga is my favorite type of yoga because I am a naturally busy person and love to move. Restorative yoga makes me slow down and my mind and body benefit a ton. If you are like me and love to exercise you will no doubt love restorative yoga too. Check out my 5 favorite stretches with photos below to give you a visual. I hope this will help to keep you on the trail and on course with your fitness goals! I hope to see you on an Into The Wild Tour Yoga, Hiking & Food Adventure!
1) Toes Pose. Curl your toes under and sit back on your heals. Do the best you can and try to keep the heels together. Do this for 1 minute.
2) Low Lunge. Place on foot forward and the other leg back down on the knee. Shift your weight forward to stretch the quad. Do each side 3-5 minutes.
3) Standing Forward Fold. Stand with your feet together or hip distance. Fold forward and place your hands on blocks or on the floor. Take deep breaths and hold 3-5 minutes.
4) Calvesasana - Roll up a blanket and place it between the calves and thighs. Come into virasana or hero's pose. The blanket stretches the calves horizontally and gives you a nice stretch to prevent plantar faciitis. Hold 3-5 minutes, rocking from side to side.
5) Wide Leg Forward Fold Tiger Stretch - Place your feet wide, toes turned in and fold forward. Keep your butt back over your heels and crawl your fingertips forward like you are a tiger or tigress. Keep your butt back and toes turned inward. Breath deeply for 3-5 minutes.